Greetings honorable Elite Fighters Team,
Bad Karma Team seeks cod5 Matches, We can accomodate 5-15 per side on our servers.
Email jjd [at] panix [dot] com (NEMATODE) or awpalagyi [at] hotmail [dot] com (DREWP) for match specifics. Usually 3 maps on are servers, our tactile rules, next week 3 maps your server your rules.
If you do not have a server we can host the matches on our servers.
We are an honorable team no cheats or hacks, To visit our public servers:
Polite and friendly Polite and Friendly 2 and Polite and Friendly 3.
Check out our Team page at
If I have inadvertently posted in the wrong area or was was mislead in identifying you as cod5 related please accept me sincerest apologies.
I hope we can develop regular Team scrims if this proves acceptable to both teams.
Thank you for your time.